Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tuesday funny?

Another busy day for me, and I'm trying to get organized so I don't miss any assignments or classes... with work and reffing it's taking a little longer than I expected. 

As usual on Tuesday's I have a 3 hour break from 2pm till 5pm... so I normally head into the LRC (computer lab) to play in the Internets and get some homework done.  I stopped by the cafeteria to grab a salads, some veggies and a juice.  Head into the LRC, grab a seemingly quiet seat and get connected online, start eating and I remembered to bring my earbuds with me, so when I listen to a video on Youtube or whatever it won't bother anyone else.  Apparently my brainstorm didn't work too well, because some d-bag came over to yell at me for the noise... I looked up at him with apparent confusion because I didn't realize anyone else could hear it.  Then I noticed and heard that there were 4 other people who were making as much noise or more than I was.  When I mentioned that little tidbit, he said "we're trying to study here, not sure why you need it so loud"  my oh so hasty retort was "why don't you go ask everyone else to be quiet so you can study, instead of trying to single me out?"  He just sat down muttering, when I asked what his deal was, I recieved some angry glares.  My last comment wasn't to suggest he go fornicate with himself, but just said "chill out dude, maybe you need to hit the library instead?"  Angry boy sat down muttering, I turned off the videos and started surfing and continued eating....

Not sure if that's funny but it was to me at the time.  5 minutes later he left.... so why did he feel the need to speak to me and not anyone else?   hmmmm we'll never know!

That's all citizens, carry on with your lives.  =)

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