Monday, May 25, 2009

Social interactivity response required, yes you!

Time to get serious about the digital social scene, apart and beyond having a Facebook acct, a blog or two, Twitter,  carrying a Blackberry.  Ok there are more things I could be taking part in to be completely digital; tumblr, digg... it's endless and will be as people look for alternate or unique sites that challenge the status quo.

I'm also working on a project for one of my college courses, looking at different communication technology and the strategies employed by businesses today.  The lightbulb event for me was reading a few articles about how some companies are embracing the new technical media that are available now, such as Twitter.  There are also companies that are providing consulting for focusing efforts to a digital outlook, including branding, training, strategic planning and more.

The lightbulb turned on when after reading the articles and researching a little deeper on this topic, I looked back at how technology has changed in the last 5 years, then looked back further and oddly enough not really amazed at where we're at but rather that we're not further ahead.  When I was a teenager and avidly reading any and all sci-fi books/magazines I could find my expectation for this stage of my life was that we'd have a cool blend of the Jetson's and Bladerunner.  Unfortunately that's not the case although not having deadly assassin androids rampaging the streets of Peterborough is probably a good thing.  Mind you getting an assassin android to eliminate some of the idiot drivers on Lansdowne would bring a smile to my face.   jk!  =)

So what I need from you, the reader of this blog, is your feedback on whether or not you'd participate if your company started embracing a more digital interactive strategy.  Would you use Facebook?  Would you use Twitter and tweet your coworkers and customers???  Imagine a boss that wouldn't lose his or her mind if they saw you on Facebook?   Or if during a meeting you could send a tweet or IM to a supplier looking for an update?

Of course what I've described could Nirvana but there are inherent responsibilities that would need to looked at, like doing your job in addition to the FB updating, numerous Tweets, Diggs, posting pics to Tumblr..... yeah you still need to do your job! 

Feedback, keep it simple or detailed but I need your help.  Please?

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1 comment:

  1. Great post Rob! Business need to be educated on what's out there, technologically speaking. I believe companies should be educated about current technology as well as the implementing it to rise above competitors.

    I think if every company updated and invested in technology as it became available we would live in a much more "futuristic" world than we do now. Unfortunately this just isn't possible and many business either cannot afford to keep up or are unwilling to change.

    There is most definitely a business opportunity here. There are as many companies who do not want to change as there are that do (I'm guessing :P) so you need to tap that market.

    - Steve

    Oh, and don't forget - THINK BIG.
