The weekend came and Daddy was in charge! Mommy was extremely busy with her business, travelling all over Southern Ontario making the big bucks to pay for the upcoming wedding. Daddy was entrusted with taking care of Ali and Jake…shouldn’t be too hard, Jenn does it all of the time, poor delusional Daddy. I discovered that Jake knew enough to hide outside and avoid our home grown version of the Terminator. I’ve labelled it T1001, the model Arnie portrayed wouldn’t last more than 5 minutes against this kid. Her claws were like Wolverine’s adamantium blades, the shriek of laughter or rage caused momentary deafness and had a level 20 stun factor. Smart Jake, dumb Daddy….
This little girl didn’t sleep more than 15 minutes a day, and of course it had to be in Daddy’s arms. However the T1001 had a battery life of approximately 13 hours max nothing too odd about that number right? So she normally awoke and beckoned her servants with a bellow around 5am, then crushing all opposition with her iron will. Again the battery life appeared to have limits to it; thankfully she would stop functioning around 6pm but only after her servants bathed and fed her, and then applied a program of rocking and back rubs.
Once the T1001 was safely asleep in her throne room, I would escape bowing and scraping like any good body servant, tip toeing downstairs and trying to avoid any squeaky treads. Jake and I would exchange looks and simultaneously sigh in relief that our Demonic Terminatoddler was finally recharging her batteries (and leaving us alone).
By Sunday night, Jenn was finally finished her jam packed weekend schedule. I was looking forward to just 5 minutes alone to have a bodily function without a child tearing apart the bathroom cabinet, or pantsing me as I tried to go pee. It’s then that I realized that going to work on Monday would provide the 8-9 hour escape from the torture of a nap less Terminatoddler….
On Monday morning Ali woke up at her usual 4am, Jenn took care of her with a bottle and cuddle, Terminatoddler transformation averted temporarily. At 530am I was awoken with a slap on the face and a giggle… as I rolled over to see who had the audacity to strike me in my own bed (and out of a welcome coma) my eyes focused in the dim light on a smiling Terminatoddler… her mom sold me out, she snuck out and brought the demon into our bedroom! Our Fortress of Solitude had been violated, the very thing I desperately wanted all weekend was shattered with a slap and a giggle. After clearing the cobwebs, I remembered that I was going into work…a smile lurked behind the bloodshot eyes and bed head.
I got into work, met with my new Rotation manager, and met the new team I’ll be training with for the next 5 weeks. Settled into job shadowing a Transportation Specialist learning what their roles and challenges are for this team.
I'm watching the US elections from up here in Canada and man oh man, I must
say it's quite entertaining! (Notice how I went from dog shit to the
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