Thursday, January 22, 2009

January continues.... on and on, and on... and on....

More snow? more cold weather? and by cold weather I mean -25C, that kind of cold... so wearisome, normally I'm good with weather good or bad, but right now I would love 2 weeks in a warm tropical climate. Ok weather rant over.... for now!

School, school is cool, don't be a fool stay in school... not sure where the rhyme came from but it might have something to do with a few beverages I had last night with the boys (Joey Pistachio and Special K). Not a really late night but out for drinks, then shooting a little stick, I won in the end, thank you K for sewering the black, I know that you know that I knew you were gonna choke at the end!

Ok so about school, week 2 and it's going alright, still getting the routine down, pretty sure I have the location set for all of the classes, gotta tighten up on the teacher offices. I looked for a school map before classes started and all I could find at the Fleming site was a parking lot map? wth? this college has a Cartography program, that specializes in GPS plotting.... c'mon make mapping the school a final project for the damn students!!! I was talking to a classmate yesterday and he said the same thing, it can't be this simple, can it?

Anyhoo.... dealing with new people is always interesting, good and bad. First impressions are typically bang on, however I'm new to the groups in each class, so I'm trying really hard not to bias myself towards or away from anyone. Till Tuesday.... there's a young person in several of my classes, I'm sure they have ADD or ADHD, unusual in a female but she's gotta have it, always bouncing her feet, very impatient, talking during lectures, and most important trait - never, ever wrong. She let me have it in a class when the teacher was asking for our opinions on cooking steak, apparently her 10 years of cooking is more important or valid than my 25 years of cooking for myself? Who does that? short sighted people I guess... however she got me all riled up and yesterday I vented on Kim, ty for putting up with it for the 5 minutes. After my early morning coffee/msn chat with Kim (where I vented), I then rushed off to catch the bus and make class on time. Computer lecture.... snoozefiesta for 45 minutes, Fire Drill for 10... gotta love standing outside with 1800 other people who are all shivering. Then I go to the next class, sit down at a table of people I recognize from other classes, and who sits down beside me? her.... How was I supposed to know? I mean that won't happen again, but I told myself "self, just deal with this for now, and next week, try another table, different people, college is about networking..." 30 seconds into the seminar the teacher shushes her.... and she gets pissed at him.... later on in the same class we had to break off into groups and select a position on a situation and then present and defend our positions, she's in another group and acted so angry that people were afraid to say anything against her. Ok, so the lesson here kiddies, meet more people and avoid the crazies right? Not saying she's crazy but our personalities don't mesh together well, and it's best for both of us that we don't clash or knock heads. Wow, that's good advice, wish I had learned that a loooooong time ago, I bet my ex's all wish the same. =)

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