Classes went well on Friday, it was weird because I hadn't attended any on Friday the previous week as I was "sick", which is code for having some games to ref in the Atom tournament. At one point I was wandering around looking for my Business Stats class because I had the wrong room number written down.... luckily I ran into someone from my class and they took pity and led me to the class. A little homework this weekend, mostly for a Quality Management project due on Tuesday, it's also a group assignment which is a little odd because I really don't know anyone that well and in a lot of my classes I'm the outsider as most of the students know each other from 3 previous semesters together. A nice young lady took pity on me, and then another asked to join our group, they're both very bright so I'm sure they'll carry me nicely.
Had a very interesting conversation with a dear friend, we've known each other for 5 years now and have quite a connection. She's recently moved back to Ontario but for some odd reason we haven't been able to get together for a visit. I'm trying to change that, possibly visit within the next week or so. More details will follow as that situation develops.
Last night was a lot of fun, just hanging out with Caesar and messing around on the internet, when my sister pops on. I sent a message to her, and she got back to me right away, usually when she's on it's one of her older girls and they just give me the quick "hi Uncle Rob". But she and I got on the webcams and chatted for almost an hour. Her little terror Sam was there and was entertaining as always, he's a great kid. Her youngest was asleep, and the remaining 2 were out with her hubby Dan getting some movies. The 3 movie amigos made it back in time for me to say hi and thrill Olivia Joy with some neat webcam effects this laptop has. Sam had already seen them a

And now I'm surfing again and getting some food in my bellay, somewhat lazy day today, laundry, homework and a visit to the Larkin's later for dinner.
Remember to check back frequently, you never know when I'll say something funny, it may have even happened in this post. once. hah!
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