Saturday, September 19, 2009

Late night ramble and thoughts.....

Fairly busy lately with school, new schedule is quite packed and extremely challenging.  I'm really enjoying the new courses, especially Marketing Simulation for Trade.  This class let's us get a chance to run all aspects of a corporation, we can change the marketing strategy, pricing, production, eliminate old markets or enter new markets.  Basically we can make changes and see an immediate response with the simulation.  One tool for feedback is a competition for each corporation amongst my class and the other class section (they're just Marketing, so we should dominate them!), as well there are other groups similar to ours at other colleges and universities across Canada and the US.  It'll be very hard but the mindset for our group is to use what we've learned so far, either at Fleming or previous experience, and apply all of that to the simulation.  The group appears to be very focused, Melissa is extremely dedicated and thorough, while Roberta has a great accounting and finance background, I guess my work experience and imagination will be my biggest contribution.

The rest of my class schedule only builds on previous classes and work experience, already I can feel better prepared for a rewarding position at the end of the Winter semester. 

On to the next busy part of life lately... had my re-certification clinic for minor hockey refereeing today and while it was somewhat expensive, I did learn a few things that I needed clarification on.  The instructors were pretty decent, although one seemed very uncomfortable and rushed but that might have been due to his relative inexperience at teaching larger groups.  Received a mark of 91% on the exam, probably could have passed the higher level course but some more on ice experience is needed.  It'll be a fun year getting back on the ice, next weekend has 5 games at the Pee-wee AA level.  Money is good, the pace is pretty quick, so it'll be fun.

Looks like the trip to Alberta is out for Danielle's wedding but I'll do my best to get out there after school is finished and a good job is secured.  I really need to stay here and buckle down on school and keep extra costs down for now.  It's really unfortunate, I was looking forward to going and meeting the new nephew-in-law and his family.  Oh well, priorities need to be flexible and reasonable at this point.

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Humpday thoughts - school, browsers and randoms.

Well, I survived the first day back for the Fall semester.  Lots of new students, was asked directions a few times, pretty much what I expected.  Classes were laid back, didn't get much started or accomplished but again what I expected.

Great to see my classmates and profs again, some I hadn't seen since May and others it was only a few weeks but I did miss seeing them everyday. So getting a chance today to catch up was the best part of the day. 

I had been trying a new browser for the past few weeks, Google Chrome, and while I did have a serious infatuation at first, the lack of performance and personalizing in comparison to Firefox left me disappointed.  So I'm back on the Fox and loving the old familiarity.  Kinda like seeing an old friend again (see above for the reference if you missed it)

Looking forward to the weekend as I'll be caddying for my buddy DJ in the Peterborough Masters golf tournament.  I just missed out making the club team but feel this is still a chance to make a difference.  The boys are playing at two great golf courses; Quarry Golf Club and Kawartha Golf and Country Club.  I know the Quarry very well and Kawartha pretty well.  Both are solid tracks, distance off the tee is important but putting will set the leaders apart from the pack.  DJ can flat out punish the golf ball, so reading putts might be my biggest assistance, along with carrying the satchel.

Walked to school today, and will keep walking for a few more days.  Not as far as I thought it was, just over 5 kms but didn't take me an hour as googlemaps suggested.  ;-)  So here's to crossing my thumbs for no rain!  haha!

Happy Humpday!

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