Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy Octoberfiesta!!!

Alright it's been almost 10 months since I posted last, just too busy to take the time to get on the computer...... ok I got lazy and disinterested with the process. Also with having Jenn in my life my need to vent via the interwebs was lessened, she's a great listener (especially when I take her for a road trip and drive really fast she doesn't have a choice except but to listen, although her screaming and yelling for me to slow down can interfere) :) Just kidding, we don't drive like maniacs or yell and scream, the music can be loud when we're road tripping but most often we just enjoy the countryside and each other.

Felt Alison kick last night (that's our expected baby who's due in late January), she's a real mover and shaker lately, which is really exciting for Jenn and I. Jake also knows where she lives, when we ask him where she is he immediately gets over to Jenn's belly and shoves his nose into the belly button. He's also been great in her room, by not eating the few stuffed animals or any of her clothing (yet).

In job search mode full time, surprising how much time it can take, not sure how people who are already employed find the time to find a new job....workplace effectiveness must be quite low. The job market isn't super hot right now, especially in the Peterborough area, which is our primary target because of family and friend proximity. A move to the west GTA or Kitchener-Waterloo could be happening, if only to take advantage of the numerous job opportunities. Hoping a few of the local companies find that some of my talents could be of use, that would help us stay here till Ali's born at least, then we could explore another location. However if the right opportunity came along here, I can see us staying here permanently.

That's it for now, I'll try to remember to pop by more often and let people know what's going on in my oversized cranium.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Post semester ramblings....

Points to consider:
  • why don't people who are making right hand turns look to their right?  (to watch for pedestrians)
  • why must people be constantly entertained?  
  • why is there a lack of drive to succeed in people today?   are we really that lazy?
  • is honesty really a bad quality to have?   or why is it a missing quality in so many women today?  what have men done to cause this?
  • is it wrong to just want a friends with benefits relationship?

So here's the best question so far, "why is Rob going off randomly again?"  the follow up could be "is he drunk yet again?"   The answer is no, I am not drunk at this moment or do I plan to be drunk again for a while, at least not tight or tiddly till New Year's.  (although I think some people have a different plan for me)

Seriously though, why did I stop posting blog updates?  Too busy with school?  Too busy with school and reffing?  too busy with school, reffing, friends, family, lack of outside interest in the blog?   Probably the last reason there... I started the blog to facilitate and encourage discussion but it really became my sounding board for what was happening to me.  I have some time off next week to write and prepare for the next semester, however I will make a conscious effort to explore each of the bullet points near the beginning of this post in the near future (one blog post per week) and will endeavour to answer each and every question that you, my family and faithful readership have of me, all 3 of you.  haha!  that's probably no joke, which is even sadder than it sounds.

Anyhooooooo, the honesty policy started last February is going strong and I do not plan on quitting.  It's helped me keep my sanity during some trying times with relationships lately.  More on that next week, I promise!

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