Thursday, March 26, 2009

Twitter, twittering, tweets, being a twidiot, twerd, twat.... uggh

First week using Twitter and it's been fun and educational.  I've found that because it's totally open (well almost totally open, there are some security blocks available) I'm finding myself exposed to huge variety of differing views from various sources I never would have come across before.

Another revelation is that because it's a social forum there seems to be two types of posts; real time status updates and then thought provoking statements or links; I'm getting to be more of the social discussion type on Twitter, so I'll reserve FB for status updates for now. The social discussion is very interesting because with the digital/electronic format of Twitter there is a wealth of information posted. It's almost too much to process at times but I've started sorting it into a few categories; funny, golf, digital lifestyle, education/work, and philosophical. Sometimes a post can fit into several categories, namely a post from Julia Roy, this young lady has embraced the digital lifestyle with blogging, vlogging, twittering and generally trying to enhance and promote living digitally.

Since I've recently returned to college, thoughts of what my plans are for after the 4 semesters have been running amok in my gourd. What to do?  Where to do it? Why am I doing that job?  and sadly How well will it pay?

Over the past winter a realization came upon me in regards to my future working career, I've been looking for the wrong reasons for employment.  So I engaged the peabrain and compiled a criteria for my future career:
  • ensure I'm working steadily
  • having creative freedom in my position
  • having time freedom to balance my life between personal, social and work commitments
  • working within an industry that is economically responsible
  • working for a company that is environmentally responsible
  • having a position that embraces technology/digital lifestyle

Is all of that possible right out of the gate after College? I think so as I'll have 3 diplomas; Business Admin Marketing, Materials Management and International Trade. If there isn't something that covers 3 of those 6 criteria, well.... well I'll just huff and puff.. no I'll find something that fits at least 3 of them. It's a starting point and that's important, otherwise I could find myself flipping burgers or pouring coffee, but if it's at a Starbucks that could work, free java?  booyeah!

ok just dated myself with that booyeah, no more booyeahs, booyeah! last one, I promise!

Think that's a good start for a Thursday morning, I'll put something up on golfcourse ninja later, after coffee!  =)

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

College and the great generational divide.

Going back to school has been very eye opening for me for a few reasons; learning new material in a classroom setting and learning how to deal or understand the younger students today. Hitting the books again isn't a huge deal for me, I'm working hard enough to get most of my marks into the mid 80's and so far haven't felt overwhelmed.  A few of my classmates who belong to the same generation as I do (late 60's early 70's) have mentioned they're overwhelmed by the course loads and sitting through a structured learning schedule.

I personally have had the hardest time with some of the students.  The dress code is extremely lax, some of them dress like they're going to a nightclub or like they're going to bed... seriously.  It's not abnormal for me to see people wearing pajamas around the campus.  Why?  were they really that tired and couldn't find 5 minutes to put a pair of jeans on?  If college is supposed to prepare them for the real working world, then someone is missing the boat or not delivering the correct message.  Is it the responsibility of faculty members to educate these young people about proper behaviour, which includes dress code?  I think so, by ignoring this or not providing the correct guidance, the faculty is doing the student body a disservice.

Another topic of note for the younger students is their ability to talk and chat through a lecture.  The whispering and giggling while a professor is talking is very rude and for those of us who are trying to concentrate, extremely distracting.  They just don't get that carrying on like that is disrespectful to their classroom neighbours and to the professor.  Not to mention that whatever the prof is saying is lost to both people chatting.  So if they need to talk, go away, let the rest of us try and absorb whatever message the prof is delivering that day, even if it's dry as hell and boring you to tears. 

I won't get into the topic of how entitled these kids appear to be... that's another rant for another day.  =)

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Monday, March 23, 2009


Ok my pal Tanya turned me onto Twitter a while ago and I was reluctant to add it since I use FB and email and texting... But after Tuesday's fun and frolics, I added it because it's another way for me to rampage across the interwebs...haha!  No, seriously though I think I'll use that a little more and start weaning myself from FB as part of a self imposed exile/embargo/abstinence.... let's go with I'm going to get off FB and Twitter is my new online crack-candy. 

No I don't do drugs or condone taking non-prescribed or over the counter medication... so no weed/pot, hash or anything of that "recreational, life enhancing" crap.  Not sure how it could be life enhancing but someone tried telling me that last week, I was a little dumb founded at their description but if they're the competition when I get out of school, I just found an edge. =)

So Twitter, it's an online update interface.  Similar to FB but without the Wall and poking and crap like that.  I've heard some people call it Facebook-lite because it doesn't have all of the bells and whistles.  When I make an update, that's called a tweet (they're logo is a little bluebird).  Some funny people on it call their followers; twidiots, twerds, twollowers... you get the idea anything you might call someone else, they put a "tw" in front of it. 

Umm, what else?  Had dinner with the Larkin's last night, fantastic t-bone steaks and some awesome sweet potatoes that Kelly roasted.....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so good. 

That's it for now, I'd like to hear from you guys also, so... leave a comment, don't be shy. =)

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Finally an update!

Ok I know that an update has been long overdue, so to those who read this without malice, I do apologize.  To those who read this and take shots from afar, GFY.

Some anger issues yesterday, thank you Tanya for trying to help, unfortunately some bartender slipped ID-10-T enzymes into my green beer which caused the meltdown.  I knew beer was bad for me but that really pushed things to a level I hadn't seen since my 21st birthday.

So the beer and a few conversations all combined to a poorly timed downward spiral of depression which all resulted in my Facebook rampage of anger.  I'll try to sum up everything other than the beer which put me in that frame of mind.  1. a blast from the past contacted me recently, 2. contact with my most recent ex-gf.  Now both of those shouldn't be any reason for me going off like a drunken.........idiot..... wait a tic.... Ok apology time is over, so now we can move on to determining why talking to both of those women would cause "Rob's Rampage of Mobile FB/Texting on St Patty's Day." 

The first woman is someone I still care deeply about, for me there is still some reservation as to where she fits into my life.  Do I consider her an ex?  not really but I should.  Am I holding a place open for her to come back in?  yes but I probably shouldn't, she's with someone else and they seem happy.  Why am I holding on to the very faint chance she wants to be with me?  no clue, maybe since things never worked out longer than 2 weeks I feel some need to make a serious run at a long term relationship with her.  However I really think that there has been a long term relationship, it's just a series of really little flings all jammed together with a bunch of times where either one of us weren't talking to the other person for whatever reason made sense at the time.  I know that doesn't seem to make sense but if you read it again really, really slowly and then take a second it might.

Sooooo she's not moving back to Peterborough at this point, or as near as I can tell.  She's involved with a man and they're living in Ottawa, he's very supportive to her and is helping her with stuff quite well. 

On to #2, this is a woman that I was involved with over 2 years, living together (really I moved into her home, is there a difference?  kinda but that's not the issue from last night).  Since my last conversation with her was around Christmas time, neither one of us had made any attempt at contact.  Not sure of her reasons but I needed to get a little distance so I wouldn't get into a rebound routine.  Why did I initiate contact at this point now?  Since the past weekend brought up a few issues for me, I thought talking to her might be constructive for me, you know to get a few things sorted out, also to get caught up again since it had been a long time.  Ok back to last night, drunkboy (me) called her before heading downtown, because I had exchanged a few emails with her and I invited her out for a beverage, got turned down due her busy schedule, something that had never happened before.  Naturally when we get turned down we want something a little more right?  I called her from the bar, couldn't hear a thing and went outside and started talking about stuff.  As I was talking I somehow started walking towards her house... she kind of ends the call, and I'm outside of her house... so I go knock on the door, go in give her a cold hug (cold because it was cold outside), use her washroom to go pee, look for the cat..... "where's Leo?"  I get told that she's put him down in the best way possible "ohhh, I murdered him"  that's her being funny about putting him down.  He was very, very old and had a few serious health issues, so it was inevitable.  However what wasn't acceptable to me was that she never told me about it, and then she told me that the week after taking him for his needle in the paw, she went to Cuba..... Should that make me upset?  Why should I care about her cat and what she does with him as he ages?  Well the ID-10-T enzyme kicked into overdrive and I had to leave, all teared up like some teenage girl reading Twilight.  During my teary shamble home I called her and get her machine, left a barely comprehensible message telling of my displeasure about Leo and how that was handled.... not expecting a call back or even an email.  Way to go Rob.

Today... thankfully school, then work afterwards.  Big test tomorrow, so I'll be studying like a demon tonight and tomorrow morning.  Probably should have stayed in last night and worked on that...... would have avoided the green beer and the drunken rampage described above... another lesson learned right?  :p

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