Ok my pal Tanya turned me onto Twitter a while ago and I was reluctant to add it since I use FB and email and texting... But after Tuesday's fun and frolics, I added it because it's another way for me to rampage across the interwebs...haha! No, seriously though I think I'll use that a little more and start weaning myself from FB as part of a self imposed exile/embargo/abstinence.... let's go with I'm going to get off FB and Twitter is my new online crack-candy.
No I don't do drugs or condone taking non-prescribed or over the counter medication... so no weed/pot, hash or anything of that "recreational, life enhancing" crap. Not sure how it could be life enhancing but someone tried telling me that last week, I was a little dumb founded at their description but if they're the competition when I get out of school, I just found an edge. =)
So Twitter, it's an online update interface. Similar to FB but without the Wall and poking and crap like that. I've heard some people call it Facebook-lite because it doesn't have all of the bells and whistles. When I make an update, that's called a tweet (they're logo is a little bluebird). Some funny people on it call their followers; twidiots, twerds, twollowers... you get the idea anything you might call someone else, they put a "tw" in front of it.
Umm, what else? Had dinner with the Larkin's last night, fantastic t-bone steaks and some awesome sweet potatoes that Kelly roasted.....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so good.
That's it for now, I'd like to hear from you guys also, so... leave a comment, don't be shy. =)

No I don't do drugs or condone taking non-prescribed or over the counter medication... so no weed/pot, hash or anything of that "recreational, life enhancing" crap. Not sure how it could be life enhancing but someone tried telling me that last week, I was a little dumb founded at their description but if they're the competition when I get out of school, I just found an edge. =)
So Twitter, it's an online update interface. Similar to FB but without the Wall and poking and crap like that. I've heard some people call it Facebook-lite because it doesn't have all of the bells and whistles. When I make an update, that's called a tweet (they're logo is a little bluebird). Some funny people on it call their followers; twidiots, twerds, twollowers... you get the idea anything you might call someone else, they put a "tw" in front of it.
Umm, what else? Had dinner with the Larkin's last night, fantastic t-bone steaks and some awesome sweet potatoes that Kelly roasted.....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so good.
That's it for now, I'd like to hear from you guys also, so... leave a comment, don't be shy. =)
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