Going back to school has been very eye opening for me for a few reasons; learning new material in a classroom setting and learning how to deal or understand the younger students today. Hitting the books again isn't a huge deal for me, I'm working hard enough to get most of my marks into the mid 80's and so far haven't felt overwhelmed. A few of my classmates who belong to the same generation as I do (late 60's early 70's) have mentioned they're overwhelmed by the course loads and sitting through a structured learning schedule.
I personally have had the hardest time with some of the students. The dress code is extremely lax, some of them dress like they're going to a nightclub or like they're going to bed... seriously. It's not abnormal for me to see people wearing pajamas around the campus. Why? were they really that tired and couldn't find 5 minutes to put a pair of jeans on? If college is supposed to prepare them for the real working world, then someone is missing the boat or not delivering the correct message. Is it the responsibility of faculty members to educate these young people about proper behaviour, which includes dress code? I think so, by ignoring this or not providing the correct guidance, the faculty is doing the student body a disservice.
Another topic of note for the younger students is their ability to talk and chat through a lecture. The whispering and giggling while a professor is talking is very rude and for those of us who are trying to concentrate, extremely distracting. They just don't get that carrying on like that is disrespectful to their classroom neighbours and to the professor. Not to mention that whatever the prof is saying is lost to both people chatting. So if they need to talk, go away, let the rest of us try and absorb whatever message the prof is delivering that day, even if it's dry as hell and boring you to tears.
I won't get into the topic of how entitled these kids appear to be... that's another rant for another day. =)

I personally have had the hardest time with some of the students. The dress code is extremely lax, some of them dress like they're going to a nightclub or like they're going to bed... seriously. It's not abnormal for me to see people wearing pajamas around the campus. Why? were they really that tired and couldn't find 5 minutes to put a pair of jeans on? If college is supposed to prepare them for the real working world, then someone is missing the boat or not delivering the correct message. Is it the responsibility of faculty members to educate these young people about proper behaviour, which includes dress code? I think so, by ignoring this or not providing the correct guidance, the faculty is doing the student body a disservice.
Another topic of note for the younger students is their ability to talk and chat through a lecture. The whispering and giggling while a professor is talking is very rude and for those of us who are trying to concentrate, extremely distracting. They just don't get that carrying on like that is disrespectful to their classroom neighbours and to the professor. Not to mention that whatever the prof is saying is lost to both people chatting. So if they need to talk, go away, let the rest of us try and absorb whatever message the prof is delivering that day, even if it's dry as hell and boring you to tears.
I won't get into the topic of how entitled these kids appear to be... that's another rant for another day. =)
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