Finally the semester is over, alright it's been over a week and a half but the days all end in Y so they seem the same. I've been sleeping a lot, finally starting to get caught up in that department. The diet has improved, I'm eating smarter; on a more consistent basis and less food that doesn't follow the gluten free diet, so again that's a good path to follow. One area that needs improvement is the intake of liver and brain cell killing liquids, it seems to be one bender after another, really need to get that under control aka stop or get it to once in a while, not once or twice a week.
Other areas for improvement for 2010:
Finances are a constant concern, as with anyone not having money means you can deprive yourself of possible opportunities to improve your life and others around you. Also having money means you can pay rent on a regular basis, eat when you're hungry, possibly have some fun? One step to be more responsible here will to be obtain somewhat regular employment on a part time basis as well as keep refereeing when I can. Employment can help expand the social network which can be very important considering the career search that is underway during this last semester. Another area for improvement here is to stop spending money as foolishly as I was last semester. Quite a few times I found myself extremely broke between pay periods or games due to reckless spending at the bar or cafeteria.
Education is an area that I slipped on a little coming out of the summer semester. I had it so damned easy in the summer, shorts, part time schedule, golfing. All of those put me in relaxation mode way too early and I lost my edge. The next semester's schedule isn't a killer by any means but there are holes in it that I will need to use properly to get assignments and reading finished. Placement also needs to be taken care of, I'm learning a lot at Safran from Christy and Mary, not to mention everyone else, so glad I found it and have a significant portion completed. I'll keep involved with the APICS Student Chapter if only to help the new Executive since I didn't see the group before mine help at all. There's a course offered by APICS that a bunch of us will be taking in April, it means more work but it's a step towards the CPIM designation, Lloyd Clive will be mentoring us through this process, what a great role model.
Gym... must get into the Wellness Centre and lose the love handles. I know I know, I've got a skinny ass and am slim but when I take my shirt off there are handles. No I'm not a chubby guy but I'm not in the shape I'd like be, definitely not cardio wise. I couldn't keep up to a 12 year old if they wanted to race more than from my desk to the fridge. Besides I'm not getting any younger so I need to get the core stronger especially if I want to have a good golf season this upcoming summer.
Not quite the randomness that I've had in the past but I did have a jumble of ideas that I wanted to address over the winter break but that got lost in digital translation somewhere. More updates to follow on a more regular basis, I promise! Respond, give feedback, offer suggestions, criticize at your peril. Thanks!

Other areas for improvement for 2010:
- Finances - stay financially responsible
- Education - maintain regular schedule for school work
- Health - get into the Wellness Centre twice a week minimum and stop eating crap
Finances are a constant concern, as with anyone not having money means you can deprive yourself of possible opportunities to improve your life and others around you. Also having money means you can pay rent on a regular basis, eat when you're hungry, possibly have some fun? One step to be more responsible here will to be obtain somewhat regular employment on a part time basis as well as keep refereeing when I can. Employment can help expand the social network which can be very important considering the career search that is underway during this last semester. Another area for improvement here is to stop spending money as foolishly as I was last semester. Quite a few times I found myself extremely broke between pay periods or games due to reckless spending at the bar or cafeteria.
Education is an area that I slipped on a little coming out of the summer semester. I had it so damned easy in the summer, shorts, part time schedule, golfing. All of those put me in relaxation mode way too early and I lost my edge. The next semester's schedule isn't a killer by any means but there are holes in it that I will need to use properly to get assignments and reading finished. Placement also needs to be taken care of, I'm learning a lot at Safran from Christy and Mary, not to mention everyone else, so glad I found it and have a significant portion completed. I'll keep involved with the APICS Student Chapter if only to help the new Executive since I didn't see the group before mine help at all. There's a course offered by APICS that a bunch of us will be taking in April, it means more work but it's a step towards the CPIM designation, Lloyd Clive will be mentoring us through this process, what a great role model.
Gym... must get into the Wellness Centre and lose the love handles. I know I know, I've got a skinny ass and am slim but when I take my shirt off there are handles. No I'm not a chubby guy but I'm not in the shape I'd like be, definitely not cardio wise. I couldn't keep up to a 12 year old if they wanted to race more than from my desk to the fridge. Besides I'm not getting any younger so I need to get the core stronger especially if I want to have a good golf season this upcoming summer.
Not quite the randomness that I've had in the past but I did have a jumble of ideas that I wanted to address over the winter break but that got lost in digital translation somewhere. More updates to follow on a more regular basis, I promise! Respond, give feedback, offer suggestions, criticize at your peril. Thanks!
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